Friday, October 26, 2007

Paris 2010

I found this video on You Tube. Turn up your volume, and hopefully you can see it. A couple of years ago, some people here in Paris made a "speculative documentary" about what would happen if something like the 1910 flood which I'm currently studying happened again in 2010. I'm planning to see the whole film on Monday, but this trailer has certainly piqued my interest.

I don't think of the French as being so obsessed with disasters as Americans are. The US seems to be prone to disasters -- the current fires in California, earthquakes, mudslides, tornadoes, hurricanes -- and our media seem to dwell on them endlessly. Disasters do happen here too, but I don't associate them with the kind of mass panic which American movies try to dramatize. But, as this film shows, maybe there is some sense of impending doom here too.

1 comment:

Anna D. said...

Hmmm. I'm wondering if perhaps it's more of a parody of US disaster movies? And perhaps of US incompetence in Katrina? It'll be interesting to see what the documentary itself is like!